Team Sealed Build Walkthrough
Hello Players! Due to some expected noise issues we have provided you with a written Sealed Pool Build Walkthrough.
Player Seating
Determine the player seating for your team now. Player B will be the player seated in the MIDDLE. We ask all A and C players at the start of each round to confirm with their opponents that they are seated versus the correct opponent.
The Sealed Build is split up into 5 different portions:
- Opening the packs
- Sealed Pool registration
- Verify the Registration
- Build the decks
- Register your deck (don’t forget the sideboards!)
Opening the Packs [5 min]
[phase 1]
Your team has received a total of 12 boosters for Wilds of Eldraine for the Team Sealed. Give each player in your team 4 of the boosters. Please identify the team that is seated opposite from your team at the table.
[phase 2]
The team that currently has the most number of players on the side of the Scorekeeper station opens their packs. Count the cards while showing the contents of the boosters to a player of the team seated across. There should be 15 cards in each booster (not counting the token/add insert). Place the opened cards in a single pile. If there are any issues, for example an incorrect number of cards, damaged cards or marked cards, please open all boosters and then call a judge before proceeding to the next phase.
[phase 3]
Now the opposing team will open their boosters, while showing the contents to a player of the opposite seated team. Again place the cards in a single pile in front of you.
Sealed pool registration [20 min]
[phase 4]
Exchange the sealed pools with the team opposite from you. Take THREE deck checklist forms and write your name and table number on the form under “Registering Player”. In the right upper hand corner, above the table number, write a capital letter A/B/C.
Work together as a team to split the pool into 9 piles as specified below. Divide the 9 piles amongst the 3 players of the team. Then each player sorts the cards in their designated piles in alphabetical order per pile.
- [A]: Enchanting Tales
- [A]: Lands
- [A]: Artifacts
- [A]: MultiColor
- [A]: Green
- [B]: Red
- [B]: White
- [C]: Blue
- [C]: Black
The A listed player will then sort the contents of the [A] piles by alphabet and registers them on their form in the ‘total’ column. The B listed player will sort & register the contents of the [B] listed pools, and the C listed player will sort & register the contents of the [C] listed pools.
This means there will be 3 deck checklists for the deck registration. Please check the total number of registered cards on each decklist and make sure they add up to 180 playable cards!
If you make an error while registering please call over a judge to help you out. Please keep the cards of the opposing team in a single face-down pile on top of the 3 face-down decklists when you are done. This will help judges identify which tables are ready with the registration process.
Pool verification [5 min]
[phase 5]
When the Head Judge indicates so, hand back the cards to the team that owns them. After you have received back the cards your team has opened please start by verifying if your sealed pool has been registered correctly. The pool should be sorted by colour and alphabetically so this should not take too long. You have 5 minutes to do so. Please take the time to properly check the correctness of the decklists, as you may receive a penalty if a registration error is discovered later.
After all pools have been verified and the Head Judge indicates you may start building the decks, you may begin with the most fun and challenging part of this event!
Deck building & Registration [50 min]
[phase 6]
Please make sure that you start registering your decks with about 10 minutes left on the clock. Each player will register the cards they will play onto their own deck NEW checklist form. Please make sure to write down your table number and seating assignment (A, B or C) on the top right of the form!
Also make sure to register your sideboard cards, as you cannot switch cards between players after registering. Cards that are not registered on your decklists (either as main deck or as sideboard card) are no longer considered part of your sealed pool!
Don’t forget to register at least 40 cards in your main deck. Please do not forget to register the basic land each player plays in their main deck.
If you have finished deckbuilding, call over a judge. Please provide them with 6 deck checklist forms for your team. Please sequence your decklists from players A through C, with the 3 deck registration lists on top of the 3 pool registration lists.
Additional remarks
A team match result is either 1-0, 1-1, or 0-0! A team match is won if two players of one team win their individual match. This means that the score of the third player is irrelevant. If your team has collected two match wins, please fill out the score in the MtgMelee app, as this will speed up the rounds!
Team mates may communicate and help each other. You cannot play for a teammate though, so you cannot handle cards in a teammates match. Help from anyone who is not a part of the team, is still considered Outside Assistance and is not allowed. Please make sure to not spend too much time helping your teammates, as this may constitute Slow Play in your own match or theirs.
Once your own match has concluded, you may move your chair to better assist your team mates. Any teammate that has left the table for any reason other than a judge approved one (toilet break for example) is from that point on a spectator and can no longer offer assistance to teammates!
Please make sure to stay low to avoid seeing cards in the other team’s hands. If reasonable suspicion arises that you may have seen their cards in hand, you may no longer communicate with your teammates for the remainder of the game. If you move your chair, please put it back after the match is over. Chairs that are not in their correct place at the end of the round may impose a danger to other players and judges, and will result in an Unsporting Conduct penalty for the entire team.